Irregular periods

You get your periods around the age of 10-12 which is called menarche and it is a journey from there till you hit menopause which is when you stop getting your periods and it happens when you get 55. Women have different experiences about their periods, some get it regularly on the same the date they had it before but some women experience irregular periods which is when they don’t know when their period id going to start usually there are some symptoms with which women with irregular periods get a hint about their periods and they get prepared about it. So why do women have irregular periods? The answer to this is in the technicality of the menstruation cycle. The normal time the menstrual cycles of a woman take is28 days but it varies from woman to the woman and mostly woman with irregular periods have the duration of their periods as 35 days and this also varies.

Irregular periods are also called oligomenorrhea and this can happen due to hormonal imbalance, a change in contraception method and exercises such as endurance exercises.

Treatment of irregular periods during the starting years and menopause is not really necessary but it is necessary to get it treated in your reproductive years or at least seek medical advice.


There are many factors that can affect your menstrual cycle but mainly the main culprit is hormonal imbalance. Two hormones related to irregular cycles are estrogen and progesterone. During the initial years, estrogen and progesterone can’t really find a balance that is why a woman can get irregular periods

During pregnancy, menstruation doesn’t happen and most women don’t get their periods

Changing contraceptives can also cause irregular periods. An intrauterine device (IUD) can cause heavy bleeding in some women. Spotting can be seen between periods because of contraceptive pills.

